Thursday, November 22, 2012

Thanksgiving 2012

Just a quick note to say Hi--

This year I am thankful for every thing in my life.I miss the people and family lost( Mom,Dad,Nannie,and Papa).
I am thankful for all my friends and even the ones that are not.

I am thankful the most,for the most important thing in my life,My family.Our three kids,their husbands,wife,, and lady friend.Our eight grand kids.My brother and his kids and grand kids.My sister(who flew in from Utah to be with us for the first time in 20= years)and her kids and grand kids,and even Riki,her boy friend.My half sister and her daughter.My step sisters and their husband and boy friend,and all of their kids and grand kids.My step mom Dean,who has put up with a lot of crap from me,in my younger years.

I cannot forget our men and women in service of our country.It must be lonely,in a far away land on a holiday.They must miss their family.

Even the guys I work with,on both of my jobs.My friends and brothers in the Lodge and the Shrine.

And most of all the woman that has made the luckist man in the world,with out her I would have nothing----my WIFE.

Till next time-------Poohpa

Sunday, November 11, 2012

Hey There!!!!!!!!!!

Just a short note to let you know we are still here.we have been busy trying to finish the bath remodle.(I am 99%done).All I have to do is hang towel bars.I want to also put a new electric plug in and a TV cable in for the TV.This means I will have to put in a new circuit breaker,this not to hard.The worst part is that I can't get in the attic safely anymore.I will have wait for one of the boys to help.

I have finished my CERT training.In Jan.I will start the second part.

The Shrine Circus went well.I can't wait till next year.With all that was going on,it really wore my butt out,but I love it.

We also took a small road trip with our friends.This was a nice change of nice this time of year.

I have just started taking a class to get my Ham radio permit.I have figured out I am not geeky enough for this.These people are super geeks.I will survive this(I hope)

Along with working 2 jobs.Shit I am tired!

Till next time-------------Poohpa