Wednesday, September 29, 2010


One of my duties with my Shrine Unit is to call and keep up with our sick members.I have talked To Stanley about three times since spring.
The first time he was not feeling well.The next time he was going in for a stint.When I called him Monday,he told me he was waiting for a heart transplant. He seems to be doing well.He is week but in good humor.He attended bingo at the Masonic Temple Friday night,but says he tires easily.He will be traveling to Salt Lake City for the surgery throgh the V.A.
Every one can benifit for prayer.Help if you can.A little knee bending never hurts.
Till next time-----Poohpa


  1. Prayers are powerful things, and I have just used that power on Stanley's behalf. Hope all goes well. Thanks for the invite to pray: everyone indeed can and does benefit from it.

  2. What a nice gesture Tee...I'll say a little prayer for Stanley. ~Joy
